1st activity encountered: Social Innovation Challange, Summer 2016
I was then responsible for editing the concluding video for this event....

This shows the entertainment facilities offered in SIC for the startup tenants...

The blockbuster activity held during my last week in SIC: Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2016
The Forum ended in a great success!
A Recap of my Work@SIC, HKFYG
At the beginning of the internship, I was asked to renovate their website. This include remake of the webpage banner, update with latest information and photos, as well as snippets provided by social network sites. After that, I was asked to create scripted Google Forms to help SIC to save both time and paper during the administration processes. At late stage of my internship, I was also asked to find out a suitable online chat room service for the guests during Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2016.
Besides of IT support, I was given a lot of opportunities to meet and communicate with people from various fields, ranging from students interns (both inside SIC and her tenants), workers and owners of start-up companies through the activities organized by SIC. These activities includes Social Innovation Challenge, Breakfast Meetings with Entrepreneurs and most importantly, Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2016. During these events, I learnt how to work and cooperate as a team member in an event, communication skills towards different walks of life, and have opened my eyes towards starting up a business, especially for social innovation.