Total Organic Carbon Analysis on mid

My life in EdUHK Chemistry lab began as I decided to turn away from working in Information Technology field and into Environmental and Engineering field, right after the internship in HKFYG. Thank you very much to Dr. C.F. Leung and Eric, his research assistant, to give me such an opportunity for me to 華麗轉身, so I left the lab with technical skills, which may be helpful in my future career in working in the Engineering field (particularly in EIA preparation?!)
I began my life in the laboratory as a part of my Final Year Project (FYP), which is about an organic catalyst with 2 different metal ions and its redox reaction with oxygen. The catalyst is particularly useful in car batteries. 4 experiments were conducted to examine the chemical characteristics and the effectiveness of the catalysts. The experiments for my FYP lasted for 6 months.
After the FYP ended, I was given the opportunity to work as a part time lab assistant to help out working on the sea water sample (Artificial Mussels) and mud samples to test out the organic carbon content and heavy metal contents in sea water samples, for about 3 months in the summer.